Renato Gatto
(Contractual framework: Area=09 "Industrial and Information Engineering", GSD=09/IIND-07 "Thermal sciences, energy technology, building physics and nuclear engineering", SSD=IIND-07/C "Nuclear Reactor Physics")
Department of Astronautical, Electrical and Energy Engineering (DIAEE)
Sapienza University of Rome, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 244 - 00186 Rome Italy
Palazzo Baleani, Room L014, Tel. +39 0649918603 (ext. 2-8603) , Fax +39 0649918604
E-mail: renato.gatto@uniroma1.it
Personal web-page: https://renatogatto.site.uniroma1.it
Research group web-page: https://renatogatto.site.uniroma1.it/SNNAP
Personal virtual room: https://uniroma1.zoom.us/my/renatogatto
Member of: DIAEE - Nuclear Engineering Section, European Academy of Sciences and Arts
My professional interest is energy in its broadest sense - from the technical and scientific aspects, to its geopolitical (energy security, climate change, nuclear proliferation) and economical dimension. My reserach activity focuses on nuclear energy production, both from fission and fusion nuclear reactions. On the fission side, I am interested in the neutronic design of nuclear reactors, using conventional deterministic and Monte Carlo approaches, as well as perturbative methodologies. On the fusion side, I am interested in physics and engineering issues relevant to tokamak devices, such as innovative toroidal field coils, ignition regimes and burning plasmas, and anomalous transport. Since my early research, I have also been intetersted in turbulence, both in fluids and plasmas, and in particular in methods to investigate the transfer of energy among different spatial scales.
I teach classes for the Laurea Magistrale (Master Degree) in Energy Engineering.